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September 23, 2005


So, with exams in ACC 455 (Tuesday), 456 (Wed.), and 375 (Thurs.) on next week's agenda, plus one written assignment for each class, there isn't a lot of free time in my schedule. But I'm starting to get a better handle on pensions, at least. My strategy is to do at least one pension worksheet a day, every day until the exam -- the idea being to pound the formula into my head a little at a time, much like a pile-driver pounding a piling into the Earth. A pier with pilings sunk deep into the ground is going to withstand hurricane-force winds and waves a lot better than one that's just sitting there -- my hope is that I'll be able to pass a hurricane-force financial-accounting exam in much the same fashion, having sunk the pension pilings deep into the innermost recesses of my brain.

Posted by Urbie at September 23, 2005 01:19 PM


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