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October 26, 2005

15-round TKO

I apologize for looking like a bloody mess this morning -- it's a good thing I don't have a Webcam -- but I got pounded, bludgeoned, and otherwise pile-driven into the ground on both of my exams yesterday. I'd spent most of my time studying for 455, spending only an evening or so on taxes (375), so I wasn't expecting to do very well on the latter. And I didn't -- it'll be a miracle if I break 70. But I have a lot of points to spare in that class, so it's not a major concern.

However, 455 is a major concern. Regular readers will know that I'd been working my hind end off for weeks to prepare for last night's exam. And, well, I thought I had a pretty good grasp of the material. But through a combination of a less-than-ideal state of alertness and -- I checked this with a couple of the other students, so I know it's not just me -- the instructor throwing us a bit of a curveball, I struggled mightily on the thing. When combined with my less-than-stellar performance on the first exam, I am probably dropping dangerously close to the Mendoza Line, as it were, and having to consider the possibility of repeating 455 next semester. That is not an appealing prospect -- although I'd be in good company, as many a successful accounting student has had to repeat one or more of the upper-division financial reporting courses.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. In all likelihood, I'll survive this semester intact. But do not expect the price of coffee to retreat from its current lofty levels.

And does anyone know a good cut man?

Posted by Urbie at October 26, 2005 08:05 AM


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