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October 21, 2005
Ritual Pain, Parte Segundo
This weekend's menu: uninterrupted coffee-swilling and accounting study, for Tuesday's grueling exams in ACC 455 and 375 (chronologically not in that order, but in that order of difficulty. And you would think that the two professors, being married to each other, would be able to get their ducks in a row and avoid giving exams on the same day, but no such luck).
I always like to get the concepts down securely enough that I'm a good bet to ace the test -- unfortunately, this is not going to happen in 455. I understand the stuff well enough (accounting for income taxes, and how to account for company consolidations/mergers). But the devil's in the details -- and some of the homework problems have been devilishly tricky. So I'm just going to have to grind it out and do the best I can. If I can record roughly the same number I hit last time, I'll be doing a few rounds of the Snoopy dance. The prospects for 375 are somewhat brighter, largely because the material isn't quite as difficult. Still, survival and damage control are the objectives here.
Meanwhile, I talked to a certain east-coast office of a certain large accounting firm today. Keep your fingers crossed!
Posted by Urbie at October 21, 2005 02:34 PM
Fingers crossed as I lock you in your lair!
Posted by: Meg at October 21, 2005 05:15 PM