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November 03, 2005

What doesn't kill us...

... makes us stronger. It now appears that last week's exam in 455 was just another installment of Ritual Pain™ as administered by the College of Business Administration. Clearly, I was not alone in my suffering -- the class average was low, and there are a few other good students who are in the same boat I'm in, having to contemplate the possibility of repeating the course next spring. I think I've figured out what the problem was, and what the necessary steps are to fix it. (Plan A: reverse my recent unhealthy dependency on canned lecture notes and handouts from the prof and get back to taking my normal exhaustive, excruciatingly detailed notes on my own reading of the text.) I hope I can salvage a passing grade this semester, but if a repeat performance is going to be needed, I can handle it.

Meanwhile, the mighty NAU Trombone Choir has a concert coming up on Thursday, November 10th -- it's at 8:00pm at Ashurst Hall. We'll be playing works by Gabrieli, Bach, Faure, Hidas, and a few others. Admission is free -- and it doesn't cost five bucks to get out, as at a Funky Winkerbean concert!

Posted by Urbie at November 3, 2005 06:59 AM


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