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December 18, 2005

A series of successive approximations

That's what life is -- or at least that's what I keep telling myself. You take aim, fire, miss the target, figure out which way you missed, adjust, and squeeze off another round.

The fall semester has, mercifully, come to a conclusion. I limped to the finish line in Accounting 456 (government/nonprofit) and did slightly better in 375 (tax), while opting to take a mulligan in 455 (Financial Reporting III).

To improve my chances of success in the spring, I decided to take a few steps to lighten my course/work load: I substituted BA 305 (Business Law II) for the more difficult ACC 490 (Case Studies in Financial Reporting). I decided to pursue a 135-hour internship for three credit hours, either next summer or later in the year, to allow me to take one less class this semester. And I'm going to relinquish my post in ITS, effective roughly at the start of the spring semester. I'm also auditing ACC 475 (advanced tax). I want to get some exposure to that material, but upon looking over the lecture notes, decided I didn't want any part of having to pass exams in that class! But auditing, I can just show up, take notes, and not worry about getting every last detail nailed down.

Because I am going to have to get every last detail -- or at least a lot of details -- down in ACC 455. As I discovered this semester, there's a lot of material in 455 that you can't figure out on the fly -- you just have to remember how to do it, and that's that. Hence the need to free up extra time. The plan is, if I have to spend 40 hours a week on that course, that's what I'll do.

With any luck, this approximation will be closer than the last one, and I'll have better results.

Posted by Urbie at December 18, 2005 01:21 PM


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