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December 01, 2005
Getting the patient stabilized
If you've been following along at home, you may have wondered why I've been downplaying the business-school news lately. Well, let's just say that this semester has not been one for the highlight film. With Accounting 375, 455, and 456 on the menu, plus my part-time job, I had a pretty good idea it was going to be tough, but I wasn't expecting quite as much trouble as I've had.
Given the pummeling I took on the first two exams in Accounting 455 (Financial Reporting III), surviving the semester in that class was going to be an uphill battle under any circumstances. But as I started spending more and more time on it, I started to hit some turbulence in my other classes, especially 456. Something had to give.
So I've had to jettison 455 for this semester. Having suffered a broken nose and multiple contusions (painful but not mortal injuries, most likely) in a 456 exam yesterday, there's no way to take care of business in both courses, plus 375 (tax class, which has been the one bright spot this fall. Maybe I've got a future in the tax business; not the worst thing that could happen -- those guys make good money).
So I'm in for another go-round with 455 next spring. Not the plan I had in mind, but it'll work, and I should still be able to get my degree sometime next summer. My transcript may not come out looking as pretty as I'd hoped -- but in 20 years, no private-sector employer has asked to see my first college transcript, and I can't imagine things being all that different with this one.
Posted by Urbie at December 1, 2005 07:01 AM
You'll make it. I've bought coffee futures :D
Posted by: Meg at December 1, 2005 10:29 AM