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January 11, 2006

Me and My Camera Phone: Who'da thunk it?

When it comes to technology, I'm a notorious late-adopter. For a long time, I didn't care about the Web, nor was I interested in streaming audio and video, etc., generally favoring the text-only, store-and-forward models of Internet usage. I didn't have a cell phone for a long time, nor did I want one. And I remain staunchly opposed to getting an iPod, despite efforts from various quarters to convince me that I should have one.

So it may come as a surprise that I've become a fanatical adherent of what I once thought was a totally unnecessary gadget: the camera phone.

Where I used to think a camera phone was a classic example of an answer to a question no one was asking, I'm always taking snapshots of stuff -- typically, of myself in various settings. For example, here's a shot of me on the golf course a couple of weeks ago. Here I am at Sunset Crater National Monument, on a recent motorcycle ride. A few miles down the road, I'm at Wupatki National Monument. And here's a shot of my dirt bike out in the Cinder Hills, not far from our backyard.

Today's Wall Street Journal says that 53,000,000 camera phones were sold last year, up from 22,000,000 in 2004. I can see why -- it's great to be able to snap a quick shot of something interesting you might happen across, as you go about your daily routine. Here's a shot of me at my office.

I've never been that much of a shutterbug -- on a cross-country motorcycle trip back in 1994, I brought a camera along but used it very sporadically -- looking through the stack of photos from that trip, there'll be a whole bunch of shots from one particular location, followed by a gap of several days and hundreds of miles during which I took no pictures at all. If I'd had a camera phone, it would have been a different story.

Anyhow, I'll never buy another phone without an integrated camera!

Posted by Urbie at January 11, 2006 05:41 AM


What next? A Flickr account?

Posted by: Meg at January 11, 2006 07:21 AM

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